6.2. In the event of revealing a violaon of your rights and/or interests due to the use of the Mobile
App, you should inform the Rightholder thereon. For this purpose, it is necessary to send a wrien
nocaon to the Rightholder with the detailed descripon of the circumstances of the violaon.
6.3. The aggregate liability of the Rightholder under the Agreement shall in any case be limited to the
damage caused to the User and jused by documents, for the amount which may not exceed 1,000 AED,
and shall be imposed on the Rightholder in case of its guilt in causing such damage.
6.4. The User shall use the Mobile App in accordance with the laws of the country where he/ she is
located, and assumes liability for violaon of the restricons on the use of the Mobile App provided for by
the naonal legislaon.
6.5. The User shall be liable for any violaon of the obligaons spulated in this Agreement and/or by
applicable law, as well as for any consequences of such violaons (including any losses which the
Rightholder and other third pares can incur).
6.6. By using the Mobile App, the User conrms that he/she is a legal owner of the Device where the
Mobile App is installed, as is a duly registered and legal user of the services of mobile telephone
communicaons and telemacs services enabling to transfer data for the use of the Mobile App.
6.7. The Rightholder reserves the right to prosecute the violators of the exclusive rights to the Mobile
App in accordance with civil, administrave and criminal legislaon, upon its discreon.
7. Final Provisions
7.1. Processing of informaon provided by the User when using the Mobile App, on himself/herself
and/or third pares, as well as informaon received during such use in automac mode, shall be
performed by the Rightholder in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
7.2. This Agreement, the procedure for its conclusion and fulllment, as well as the issues not covered
by this Agreement, shall be governed by the current legislaon of the UAE.
7.3. All disputes under the Agreement or related hereto shall be examined by the court at the locaon
of the Rightholder in accordance with the current laws of procedure of the UAE.
7.4. This Agreement shall apply to all subsequent updates/ new versions of the Mobile App. By
agreeing with installaon of the update/new version of the Mobile App, the User accepts the terms and
condions of this Agreement for the respecve updates/new versions of the Mobile App, provided the
update/installaon of the new version of the Mobile App is not accompanied with a new license
7.5. This Agreement can be unilaterally amended or terminated by the Rightholder without
preliminary nocaon of the User and without payment of any compensaon related thereto.
7.6. The current version of the Agreement is put on the Internet at: hps://parodist.ai/rules_en.
Amendments to the Agreement shall enter into legal eect from the moment of pung its updated
version at the indicated address.