Last update: 01 October 2023
This document entled “End User License Agreement” is a proposal of Parodist Al L.L.C–FZ (hereinaer
referred to as the “Rightholder”) to enter into a contract on the terms and condions given below.
Before using the Mobile Applicaon (the “Mobile App”), please read the terms and condions of this End
User License Agreement. The use of the Mobile App upon other terms and condions is not permied.
1. Terms and Denions
1.1. Words and expressions used in this End User License Agreement shall have the following meanings
unless otherwise directly dened in the text:
a) License (Agreement) - the text of this document with all annexes, amendments and
modicaons thereto, displayed upon installaon and at the beginning of the Mobile App use, as well
as published in the Internet at: hps://parodist.ai/rules_en
b) User - a person having entered into this Agreement with the Rightholder for his/her own
benet or for the benet of others in accordance with the requirements of the current legislaon and
this Agreement;
c) Mobile App – a soware “Parodist” to be installed and used on the Device;
d) Base Version – Mobile App crippled version;
e) Advanced Version Mobile App including soware applicaons and add-ons to enhance its
f) Sound Record – record of a parodic voicing, created and provided to the User using the Mobile
g) Video – video record made by the User, with the use of the Sound Record in such video;
h) Device – a tablet, a mobile phone or another device allowing to use the Mobile App as
1.2. Other terms and denions, not indicated in clause 1.1. hereof, can be used in this Agreement. In
this case, such term shall be interpreted in accordance with the text of the Agreement. In the absence of
unambiguous interpretaon of a term or denion in the text of the Agreement, it is necessary to be
guided by its interpretaon dened primarily in the binding documents indicated therein; secondly, in the
legislaon of the UAE, and subsequently, by usual and customary business pracces and scienc doctrine.
2. License
2.1. Starng from the moment of entering into this Agreement, the Rightholder grants to the User the
right to use the Mobile App in the respecve version under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license
on the territory of all countries of the world within the spulated me period.
Performance of acons indicated below for entering into the Agreement, shall conrm familiarizaon with
and full and uncondional acceptance by the User of the terms and condions provided herein, and shall
create a contract between the User and the Rightholder upon the terms and condions given herein, in
accordance with legislaon of the UAE.
2.2. License for the Base Version
2.2.1. The following acons of the User will be sucient for entering into this Agreement in respect
of the Base Version:
Playback (recording) and/or run of the Base Version on the Device;
2.2.2. The User shall be entled to use the Base Version in accordance with the terms and condions
of this Agreement in the following ways:
a) playback (record) the Base Version on the Device;
b) run and apply the Base Version as intended;
c) playback, distribute and put in the public domain (publishing) the Sound Records and
Videos, in the restricted quanty, upon the discreon of the Rightholder, of unique Sound Records
and/or Videos per day, created and provided to the User using the Base Version.
2.2.3. The period of license validity for the Base Version is not limited.
2.2.4. The license for the Base Version is granted free of charge.
2.3. License for the Advanced Version:
2.3.1. The license for the Advanced Version use shall be provided to the User on the basis of the
Users request sent via the Mobile App, and shall constute a separate license agreement upon the
terms and condions of this Agreement.
2.3.2. Within the framework of the license for the Advanced Version, the Rightholder oers to the
User an opportunity to:
a) download, install and run soware applicaons and add-ons to the Base Version on the
Users Device;
b) use addional funconalies of the Advanced Version in accordance with their
c) playback, distribute and put in the public domain (publish) Sound Records and Videos in
any quanty, created and provided to the User using the Advanced Version;
2.3.3. The license for the Advanced Version shall be provided upon the condion of the license
fee payment according to the taris of the Rightholder. The license shall be renewed on the terms
and condions provided for by the current version of the Agreement as of the date of the license fee
payment. The number of license renewals for the Advanced Version under the Agreement is not
2.3.4. The license validity period for the Advanced version is determined according to the terms
of the tari of the Rightholder as of the date of the license fee payment.
2.3.5. The User shall be deemed to have expressed his/her will to renew the Agreement for the
Advanced Version provided for in clause 2.3.3 of the Agreement, in the events when:
the User acvated the opon of direct debing for the license fee payment
(subscripon) in favor of the Rightholder; or
the Users consent to direct debing for the license fee payment (subscripon) is a
mandatory condion for sending the Users request for the license for the Advanced
Version, and the User did not withdraw such consent as of the moment of the license’s
In cases indicated above, the Agreement shall be renewed upon the expiry of the license for the
Advanced Version, i.e. the Trial Period, from the moment of direct debing for the license fee
payment in favor of the Rightholder according to the taris of the Rightholder.
2.3.6. Payment of the established license fees can be made using the payment methods and
payment service providers indicated at the moment of license acquision.
2.3.7. Accounng of the license fee payment shall be made on the basis of data provided by the
payment service provider acng under the contract with the Rightholder.
2.3.8. The rights and ways of using the Mobile App, which are not expressly granted/not allowed
to the User hereunder, shall be considered to be non-granted/prohibited by the Rightholder.
3. General Terms and Condions of the Mobile App Use
3.1. The mandatory condion for entering into this Agreement shall be full and uncondional
acceptance and observaon by the User, in the below-menoned cases, of the requirements and
provisions determined by the following documents (“Mandatory Documents”):
Privacy Policy put and/or available in the Internet at: hps://parodist.ai/polics_en which
contains the rules for providing and using condenality informaon of the Users, including the
User’ contact informaon.
3.2. The list of funconalies of the Base and Advanced Versions shall be determined upon the sole
discreon of the Rightholder and can be changed from me to me.
3.3. Technical, organizaonal and commercial condions of the Mobile App usage can be
communicated to the Users by way of separate placement on the Internet and/or Mobile App or by way
of nocaon of the Users.
3.4. The Rightholder shall be entled to establish the limits and introduce other technical restricons
for the Mobile App usage which shall be communicated to the Users from me to me in the form and in
a way chosen by the Rightholder.
4. User Guarantees
By accepng the terms and condions of this Agreement, you conrm and guarantee that:
4.1. you have all necessary rights and powers to enter into this Agreement for the use of the Mobile
App and its performance;
4.2. you will use of the Mobile App exclusively for the purposes permied by this Agreement,
observing all its provisions, as well as prohibions and limitaons of the applicable law, general standards
of morality and decency.
5. Usage Restricons
5.1. As the license for the use of the Base Version is granted on a free basis, provisions of the legislaon
on consumer rights protecon are not applicable to relaons of the pares under such license.
5.2. The Mobile App is provided as it is”, in this connecon, no guarantees are provided to the User
that it will comply with the Users requirements; it will be provided without interrupons, quickly, reliably
and without errors; results which can be obtained with its usage, will be accurate and reliable; all errors
will be reced.
5.3. As the Mobile App is constantly being supplemented and updated with new funconalies, the
form and character of the Mobile App can be changed from me to me without preliminary nocaon
of the User. The Rightholder is entled to suspend or stop providing or supporng Mobile App to the
Users, upon its own discreon, as well as change or revoke the License without preliminary nocaon.
5.4. With the excepons provided for herein, the User has no right to do the following, both
independently or involving third pares:
5.4.1. copy (reproduce) in any form or way computer soware and databases being part of the
Mobile App, including any elements and informaon materials thereof;
5.4.2. reverse engineer, emulate, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform analogous
acons with the Mobile App;
5.4.3. create soware and/or services using the Mobile App, without preliminary authorizaon
of the Rightholder;
5.4.4. eliminate or change in any way trademarks and copyright and any other rights noces
included into the Mobile App.
5.5. The User is strictly forbidden to use the Mobile App for creang and/or distribuon of Sound
Records and Videos:
5.5.1. containing informaon and/or images discreding honor, dignity and business reputaon
of third pares, as well as informaon promulgang violence, pornography, drugs, race hatred,
other illegal acons or other prohibited informaon;
5.5.2. violang the norms of the applicable law, as well as general standards of morality and
5.5.3. for the purposes contrary to the norms of the applicable law, as well as general standards
of morality and decency.
6. Liability
6.1. The Rightholder shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or
impossibility to use the Mobile App (including data) and/or damage caused to the User and/or third pares
in the result of any use, non-use or impossibility to use the Mobile App (including data) or its separate
components and/or funcons, including due to eventual errors or failure in operaon of the Mobile App,
even if the Rightholder was noed on the eventual occurrence of such losses and/or damage.
6.2. In the event of revealing a violaon of your rights and/or interests due to the use of the Mobile
App, you should inform the Rightholder thereon. For this purpose, it is necessary to send a wrien
nocaon to the Rightholder with the detailed descripon of the circumstances of the violaon.
6.3. The aggregate liability of the Rightholder under the Agreement shall in any case be limited to the
damage caused to the User and jused by documents, for the amount which may not exceed 1,000 AED,
and shall be imposed on the Rightholder in case of its guilt in causing such damage.
6.4. The User shall use the Mobile App in accordance with the laws of the country where he/ she is
located, and assumes liability for violaon of the restricons on the use of the Mobile App provided for by
the naonal legislaon.
6.5. The User shall be liable for any violaon of the obligaons spulated in this Agreement and/or by
applicable law, as well as for any consequences of such violaons (including any losses which the
Rightholder and other third pares can incur).
6.6. By using the Mobile App, the User conrms that he/she is a legal owner of the Device where the
Mobile App is installed, as is a duly registered and legal user of the services of mobile telephone
communicaons and telemacs services enabling to transfer data for the use of the Mobile App.
6.7. The Rightholder reserves the right to prosecute the violators of the exclusive rights to the Mobile
App in accordance with civil, administrave and criminal legislaon, upon its discreon.
7. Final Provisions
7.1. Processing of informaon provided by the User when using the Mobile App, on himself/herself
and/or third pares, as well as informaon received during such use in automac mode, shall be
performed by the Rightholder in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
7.2. This Agreement, the procedure for its conclusion and fulllment, as well as the issues not covered
by this Agreement, shall be governed by the current legislaon of the UAE.
7.3. All disputes under the Agreement or related hereto shall be examined by the court at the locaon
of the Rightholder in accordance with the current laws of procedure of the UAE.
7.4. This Agreement shall apply to all subsequent updates/ new versions of the Mobile App. By
agreeing with installaon of the update/new version of the Mobile App, the User accepts the terms and
condions of this Agreement for the respecve updates/new versions of the Mobile App, provided the
update/installaon of the new version of the Mobile App is not accompanied with a new license
7.5. This Agreement can be unilaterally amended or terminated by the Rightholder without
preliminary nocaon of the User and without payment of any compensaon related thereto.
7.6. The current version of the Agreement is put on the Internet at: hps://parodist.ai/rules_en.
Amendments to the Agreement shall enter into legal eect from the moment of pung its updated
version at the indicated address.
In case of discrepancies between the text of the Agreement put on the Internet, and the text included in
the Mobile App, the version of the Agreement put on the Internet at the indicated address shall prevail.
Details of the Rightholder
Parodist Al L.L.C–FZ
Business Center 1, M Floor, The Meydan Hotel, Nad AI, Dubai, UAE.
Email: hello@parodist.ai
Current version of the Privacy Policy dated 1 October 2023.